18 February 2010

First day back from Haiti

I have been in Haiti for the last week or so with Mercy Works for earthquake relief work. Mercy Works is a Christian organization affiliated with Mercy Ships and YWAM, that provides spiritual and physical support after disasters. It was a great experience, which I will go into more detail in the coming week. I have some thoughts now that I'm back in the "real world". This is kind of an epilogue and at the same time a prologue to my experiences.

After working in a third world country as a PT, I am struck with the fact that I even though I talk about new equipment I want to order at work, while in Haiti, I had hardly any equipment and things tended to work out ok in the end. Although, now that I'm back to work, I definitely appreciate the equipment I do have much more, even though it may be old, or not exactly what I would like to use. I work for a "for-profit" company, so it was refreshing to not have to worry about perfect documentation, insurance companies and productivity demands while in Haiti. Patients were patients, and I was able to work with them however long, short, or times per day I felt would be most beneficial.

During my time in Haiti, I feel as thought I have grown spiritually as well and coming back to the States I have felt so excited to share my stories. But of course, things do not always work out as planned, and God is teaching me to trust Him, when I feel as though many people do not truly care about my experiences and what God is doing in Haiti. I hope in my next few entries, I can tell everyone in a manner that is not attention seeking, but humble, educational and spiritually uplifting...

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