24 February 2010

Daniel Fast

So, I know still haven't posted any real stories about Haiti. I just keep thinking about things going on here in relation to Haiti that I want to share before I forget. Right before I left the Dominican Republic, my friend, Alina and I decided to start a Daniel Fast. For me, seeing the Haitians fasting and praying and worshiping God despite all they devestation, hunger and loss of possessions they were undergoing, made me think about everything I take for granted. So...for the entirety of lent I am not eating meat, meat products, poultry, dairy, processed foods, fats (such as butter, lard, etc), or foods with added sugar. I also am going to not shop (other than needed items)until Easter as well. During this time, my "loss" will remind me of the Haitians, and in turn remind me to pray for the Haitian people and the people still serving in Haiti. When I returned home, I was talking to my mom about how I'm doing this fast and she's like "oh, yeah I'm not starting til Sunday". Apparently, my entire church is fasting and praying as well! We'll see how it goes!

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